As we often participate in historical events visitors are interested in learning how knightly equipment is made and repaired. We often have with us wooden swords, shields and crossbows in various states of readiness which we finish during the festival. Often festival visitors, especially the younger ones, want to help out and get the feeling of being active participants in a fun and safe way.
When free space allows we also like to put up our archery range for kids so they could try out bows and crossbows made for them. Often this means the kids have fun and go home knowing they saved the world from the evil dragon lurking from out target.
As historic festivals often include real fighting chances are pieces of equipment will get damaged so from time to time you can find real knights waiting for our field workshop to repair their equipment.
Our field workshop is named “Hudi Hobit” (“Evil Hobbit”) to honor our sweet and cute secretary with a slightly “hobbitish” traits who manufactures most of our wooden arsenal.